This is the time of year everyone looks at the past year to make changes and improvements for the new year. Of course, a big one for many people is their weight and trying to drop those pounds. I hate making this a resolution because it always seems to set me up for failure. Yes, I would love to drop about 60-70 lbs and be back at the weight I was before I had children. Is that realistic? Not likely, why? #1: I enjoy snacks and sweets way too much to give them up. #2. Although I would love to be able to exercise more, I don't have the will power to force myself to get into the habit (and I have got all the exercise videos, dvds and equipment to prove it). I have sworn to "Tae-Bo", "Pilates", "Sweat to the Oldies" and even "Walk Away the Pounds". Plus I have a lifetime membership (that cost a small arm and leg-I wish) to a local fitness center that I haven't even darkened the doorway for over 2 years. I have been trying Weight Watchers-AGAIN. And will probably stick with the more nutritious eating but I will still have my occasional breakdowns. If I can realistically loose 25-30 pounds and just be able to bend over and put on a pair of socks or walk out to the mailbox without huffing and puffing, I think I will be happy. I will attempt to actually remove the wrappers from my most recent exercise DVD's and may even pop them in and give it the old college try. Who knows maybe the newest ones may be the ones to work...only time will tell!!!