Well, Spring is upon us! It is beautiful outside and I love this weather! That means I can walk the dogs and not have to bundle up. No more coats, sweaters and hoods! Of course, I always carry a jacket and blanket in the car for hockey games though. It is usually cold in the ice rink even in the summer! But that is okay too!
I can get some plants to fill my planters, including fresh herbs, YUM! Here's a picture I took last year of a Swallowtail Butterfly on my lilacs in full bloom! I love my new car, especially in this weather, I can crank open my sunroof and enjoy the sunshine! Woohoo! I love this time of year. Everything will start blooming and new little animals, especially the calves. We have a herd of long horn cattle in a pasture near our house and they have the cutest little spotted calves. I love to just stop and watch them play! Spring always means rejuvenation and there is just something about the smell of the air that just makes you feel better! I can open up the house and get rid of that old closed up smell. The dogs like it also because then the door stays open and they can run in and out all they want!
We will have to start getting the pool and boat ready for summer! I hope we get some rain to get the lake levels back up. Besides we have a big burn pile right now and since we have been under a fire ban for the past 5 months, it is getting pretty ugly out there, a couple of broken down chairs and some broken tree branches plus some paper trash that needs to go bye-bye!!!
Everyone have a great day and enjoy the weather, 'cause you know the old Okie saying, "if you don't like the weather just wait a minute and it will change"!