I am the poster child for procrastination! If I can put it off, I will! And I don't care if I am having to scramble at the last second to get the job done. In fact, I think I do a better job if I am under the gun, so to speak! This goes for projects at work, projects at home and even cleaning house, I will put off the inevitable. When I was in college, my best papers were written the night before they were due. If I started them early, I just couldn't seem to get my mind wrapped around my thoughts but give me a deadline looming over my head and my brain kicks into overdrive! If company is showing up at my door within hours, even if I have known about it for weeks, I will put off cleaning until the last second and be flying through the house with mop, broom and duster going at warp speed! Of course, then again, it doesn't do any good to clean my house until the last second anyway, since I leave with a bunch of pigs!
I am trying out for a new Design Team position at
www.sassynsavvy.com and the voting will be done by the membership. Everyday new questions are asked for whomever is trying out, so everyone can get to know the contestants a little better. Today, the question was about our blogs and how often we update. I had to confess that I am poor at blogging, but did state that I should get better at it to make myself a better individual and improve my journaling skills. So, I am now challenging myself to set goals to blog at least once a week and post new layouts to my blog.
Maybe by setting goals I can improve as a journalist, photographer and scrapbooker and maybe not procrastinate so much in that part of my life. We will just have to see...