I have a heavy heart today. Tomorrow is Veteran's Day in the US. A celebration to thank our soldiers and war veterans for all they have given for our Country. My 20 year old son, Steven, fits both of those descriptions. He is a soldier in the Army Reserves and served one year almost to the day in Iraq. He just informed me Monday that there is a big possibility that he may have to go back over there soon. Apparently, the division his reserve unit is short an additional 800 soldiers to ship to Iraq. He has applied for admission to WestPoint Military Academy for the Fall 2006 school year. I am very concerned that he will be called up again before he finds out if he is accepted to WestPoint. I am pretty positive that he will get accepted. He has the grades (4.0 in college classes he is taking right now), he has the ACT score, 29 (minimum for acceptance is 20). He had a 3.69 grade average in high school with honors and college AP classes and he has the military/war experience. He has scored expert in all his weaponry training and has 4 medals that he received while in Iraq. My heart is heavy because: #1-if he is called back, and returns home safely, he will be 22 before he can go to WestPoint which means he would be 26 before graduating, #2-will he make it home, #3-he's done his time, its someone else's turn.
I guess the reason this is bothering me so much is that I am having the same feelings I had before we found out he was going the last time. I knew before he had even gone to boot camp that he would be going to Iraq and I feel the same again. It scares me, will he make it back safely this time?
I grew up a military brat with my father retiring from the Armyand my father served 2 years in Vietnam, and I was married to Steven's father for 4 years while he was in the Army, so the military way of life is nothing new to me and I feel that I am well aware of how the military works. I am supportive of the soldiers and their beliefs and very proud of my families military experience. I am well aware of the risks involved and the possibility that my son may not come back alive, but I pray that he will! I will not be one of those mothers bashing the war and protesting outside of the President's home or even worse, outside a church where a funeral is taking place for a soldier that didn't survive(HOW WRONG IS THAT!!!). But I have a heavy heart and it goes out for those families who will not have their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers home for the holidays and maybe home forever!
Since tomorrow is a time to thank those that have and are serving our country, please pray for their safe return home and pray for their families for strength and courage! And daily I pray for our government officials to have the wisdom to make the proper decisions regarding our soldiers! Thank you for listening!!!
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